Critical Infrastructure Networks - by Iony Patriota de Siqueira
Critical Infrastructure Networks - by Iony Patriota de Siqueira
Critical infrastructure networks, energy, oil, gas, sanitation, finance, logistics and communications are part of the essential services for the functioning of cities, regions, nations and continents. Preserving their physical and functional integrity is a requirement for the quality of life and security of modern societies, and a critical factor in the success of geopolitics, military strategy and security of all nations. The formation of cohesive blocks of countries – for geopolitical, economic, military or religious reasons – promotes the interconnection and extension of infrastructure networks beyond national borders. The possibility of terrorist or military attacks transforms these networks into priority strategic targets and objectives for national defense. The occurrence of major shutdowns or “blackouts” in these systems has generated questions from society about their safety and responsibilities. To answer these questions, this book proposes a formal methodology for analyzing contingencies and accounting for performance indicators and risks associated with the exploitation of critical social infrastructure networks. The book may be useful for planners and designers of socio-technical networks; regulators, auditors and legislators of public and private services; investors and owners of infrastructure networks; operators and maintainers of critical socio-technical networks; strategists and military personnel responsible for the security and defense of national structures; general public and users of infrastructure networks; students and professionals in the areas of Engineering, Administration, Economics, Environment, Operations Research, Planning and Public Policies.