For you who had a bad day - by Victor Fernandes
For you who had a bad day - by Victor Fernandes
This book is for everyone who needs a hug, a dose of affection, light, love. For all the people who need to believe again that everything will be okay. There will be no magic. There won't be a click where everything will happen suddenly. There will be no solutions falling from the sky. The only magic solution I know is to keep moving forward despite everything. Continue living, facing, walking even staggering and stumbling and feeling pain. You have to allow yourself to move on. Allow yourself to get up and continue. Stop thinking you're weak. You are not weak, you are just going through bad days, painful moments, some uncomfortable situations. You are far from weak. Look at how many things you overcame, how many things you had to face and managed to turn around. I know it's hard, but the only thing I can tell you now is that it will pass. The rest is up to time. And yes, it will pass. He is going yes. You know.