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Rich Dad, Poor Dad - 20th Anniversary Edition - by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Rich Dad, Poor Dad - 20th Anniversary Edition - by Robert T. Kiyosaki


Regular price €39,00 EUR
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Celebrating 20 years as the #1 personal finance book. Does school prepare children for the real world? This is the first question the reader is faced with in this book. The message is bold and direct: good training and high grades are not enough to ensure someone's success. The world changed; Most young people have a credit card, even before completing their studies, and have never had classes about money, investments, interest, etc. In other words, they go to school but remain financially inefficient, unprepared to face a world that values ​​spending more than saving. For the author, the most dangerous advice that can be given to a young person today is: “Go to school, get good grades and then look for a safe job.” The fact is that now the rules are different, and there is no longer a guaranteed job for anyone. Rich Dad, Poor Dad demonstrates that the issue is not being an employee or an employer, but having control over your own destiny or delegating it to someone else. This is Robert Kiyosaki's thesis in this substantial and visionary book. For him, the training provided by the educational system does not prepare young people for the world they will encounter after graduating. And how can parents teach their children what school relegates? This is another of the many questions that the reader encounters in Rich Dad, Poor Dad. In this sense, the author's proposal is to make the task of parents easier. Anyone who understands accounting should forget their academic knowledge, as many of the theories exposed by Robert Kiyosaki contradict commonly accepted accounting principles, and present a valuable and modern perception of the way investments are made. Society is undergoing radical changes, perhaps of greater proportions than those that occurred in past centuries. There is no crystal ball, but one thing is certain: the global perspective of transformation transcends our immediate reality. Whatever happens, there are only two alternatives: security or financial independence. And the objective of Rich Dad, Poor Dad is to instruct the reader and awaken their financial intelligence and that of their children. “The main reason people have financial problems is that they spent years in school but didn't learn anything about money. The result is that they learn to work for money… but never to make it work for them.” -Robert Kiyosaki.

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