Book, Rediscussing Miscegenation in Brazil Ident Nac x Ident Negra[LS]
Book, Rediscussing Miscegenation in Brazil Ident Nac x Ident Negra[LS]
Language: Brazilian Portuguese. It is in the light of the emerging pluralist discourse (multiculturalism, pluriculturalism) that this work puts back into discussion the true foundations of Brazilian national identity, inviting researchers on the issue to re-discuss it and better understand why the so-called minorities, which in reality constitute silenced majorities, , are not capable of building truly mobilizing political identities. And this discussion cannot be sustained without placing the ideal of whitening, materialized by miscegenation and its ghosts, at the core of the issue. _______________________ This fifth edition of the book Rediscussing miscegenation in Brazil presents a new chapter and new considerations in the conclusions. Professor Kabengele Munanga rereads his book and inserts new analyses, considering the period of twenty years that separates this publication from its first edition, in 1999. This update is carried out at a time of significant changes in Brazilian society and in the context of ethnic relations -racial issues, affirmative action policies and the implementation of quotas, and brings the author's considerations about fraud and discussions about colorism. The author interprets these changes in light of the issue of miscegenation, considering its representations and political-ideological uses in Brazil in the 21st century, and takes a personal, firm and forceful position, as is a mark of his personality, of his political activities. and its way of producing knowledge. Nilma Lino Gomes