Book, Polyhedron[LS]
Book, Polyhedron[LS]
A deep connoisseur of visual arts, fascinated by Mozart and Nijinski, the poet from Minas Gerais brings together singular erudition and multiple interests. In Poliedro, his broad intellectual horizon develops in fragments that are close to aphorisms and give new air to lyrical prose, in a mixture of reflection, memory, poetry, essay and entry. Divided into four parts — “Microzoo”, “Microlessons of Things”, “The Circular Word” and “Delphic Text” —, Poliedro was published in 1972, three years before Murilo Mendes’ death. In this book, one of the few prose flights by the renowned poet, the reformulation of language and the constant dialogue between art and thought are central elements. For Carlos Drummond de Andrade, it is a “tasty fruit of Brazilian culture confronted with universal values”.