Book, Pedagogy of autonomy: knowledge necessary for educational practice[LS]
Book, Pedagogy of autonomy: knowledge necessary for educational practice[LS]
Language: Brazilian Portuguese. "One of Paulo Freire's main works, now in a new graphic project. Pedagogy of autonomy reaffirms Paulo Freire's deep ethical commitment in defending dignified existence. In this, his last book published during his lifetime, in 1996, the educator deepens his ethical theory of a life focused on freedom, truth and the authenticity of subjects, against the logic of capital. Based on revolutionary love and critical rigor, he reflects on what the act of teaching demands of educators and students. “I like being man, of being people, because it is not taken for granted, unequivocally, irrevocably that I am or will be decent, that I will always bear witness to pure gestures, that I am and that I will be fair, that I will respect others, that I will not lie and hide their value because envy Your presence in the world bothers and enrages me. I like being a man, being a person, because I know that my passage through the world is not predetermined, pre-established. That my 'destiny' is not a given, but something that needs to be done and from whose responsibility I cannot exempt myself. I like being people because the story in which I form myself with others and in whose creation I take part is a time of possibilities, and not of determinism. That is why he insists so much on problematizing the future and rejects its inexorability.” "