Book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad for Young People
Book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad for Young People
Do you feel like traditional education has nothing to do with life and that school is not preparing you for the real world? If you answered “yes” to these questions, then this book is for you! As a child, Robert Kiyosaki was not one of the best students. Despite being intelligent, he learned differently from that expected by his teachers. Then Robert found a mentor who taught him many lessons about money and investing ― and was so successful that he was able to retire before he reached fifty. Rich Dad, Poor Dad for Young People, another success in the series of best-sellers about money and investments, is not limited to telling the author's impressive life story; He shows you how to make decisions today - and start thinking like the rich. Written in light and direct language, this book will enhance your personal success by showing you: • How to speak the language of money. • The paths to success ― including “work to learn, not to make money”. • Games that help you understand the tools that keep money circulating and multiplying.