Book, Other[LS]
Book, Other[LS]
Language: Brazilian Portuguese. I bite what I can'. It is in this spirit that Augusto de Campos returns to circulation with this 'Other'. New poems, introductions and outroductions (visual remixes). I found the use of this word in American records curious and at the same time strange and I had a hard time realizing that it was a musical term, a portmanteau word that goes from 'in' to 'out', reversing the meaning of Intro . And that indicates the different performance of a previous track or some other 'bonus' - an 'extro'. Outraduction, extraduction, whatever it is, I liked the word ambiguous.' Several of these poems - four wanting to be clips - lose some of their intentionality as they are either static forms, derived from digital animations, or clip-poem projects asking for movement and sound. Some can be seen on the portals indicated at the end of this volume. 'And it is with this 'Other', which could also be the last bonus of my poetic work, that I dare to expose these new poems. Survivor, for better or for worse, I cannot fail to complete what I started, as much as possible.'