Book, The yellow woodpecker - by Monteiro Lobato - by Monteiro Lobato
Book, The yellow woodpecker - by Monteiro Lobato - by Monteiro Lobato
Language: Brazilian Portuguese. “The invasion of the creatures from the fables” – What a child! – exclaimed Aunt Nastácia. – They play all their lives, and the more they play, the more they want to play.” Due to the adventures of Narizinho, Pedrinho, the doll Emília, Visconde de Sabugosa and company, Sítio do Picapau Amarelo became so, so famous all over the world – even on TV – that one day something unthinkable happened. Fiction Characters , such as Tom Thumb, Don Quixote, Sancho Panza and many others, even figures from Greek mythology, decide to move to Dona Benta's hitherto peaceful property.In O Picapau Amarelo, published in 1939, Monteiro Lobato, father of children's literature Brazilian, demonstrates once again that when it comes to childhood and imagination, the sky is the limit."