Book, Financial Market Exercises and Practice (Assaf) 2/19[LS]
Book, Financial Market Exercises and Practice (Assaf) 2/19[LS]
With the main objective of offering a practical way of studying the financial market, its fundamental concepts, techniques and financial operations, we developed this work. Throughout the nineteen chapters, more than 500 tests and exercises are presented that cover topics such as:• economic policies ;• National Financial System;• interest;• financial products;• stock market;• risk and return. The book also includes the answer sheet for the questions and gives access to the Commented Solutions Manual, available on the GEN website | Atlas.APPLICATIONEssentially practical book, aimed at everyone who works or intends to work in the financial market. Complementary bibliography for the Financial and Capital Markets discipline of undergraduate and postgraduate courses (lato sensu) in Economics, Administration and Accounting Sciences.