Book, Freedom of expression and new media, A[LS]
Book, Freedom of expression and new media, A[LS]
The challenge of defining the limits of freedom of expression in a radically democratic environment in the face of hate speeches and statements, fake news and conspiracy theories, if it was already a historical demand of great complexity in democracies, has now gained urgent dramatic contours due to the speed and reach of its propagation through social networks and the engagement of huge portions of the population on these devices. How to establish limits without violating individual freedoms, but preventing criminal actions and fake news? How has the Brazilian judiciary positioned itself, how effective has it been and what can we do to address the issue? Freedom of Expression and New Media brings together four specialist researchers in the field, putting the debate at the forefront. Freedom of expression has never been so defended and it has never been so abused. Lies, rumors, fake news have always been a resource used against political-ideological opponents. What's new is that social networks make it possible to reach the public in real time on a scale never before imagined. “Right to privacy”, “right to opinion” and “hate speech” are concepts that oppose each other in the real world, establishing anomie. Freedom of Expression and New Media debates the issue from a legal point of view, pointing out, on the one hand, the risks inherent in attempts to restrict the free expression of thought, even if it is flat-earth, and on the other, the enormous risk of not do nothing. After all, in an age governed by paradoxes, finding the balance point is a task as arduous as it is urgent.