Book, Reading and its audience in the contemporary world: essay hist cult[LS]
Book, Reading and its audience in the contemporary world: essay hist cult[LS]
Language: Brazilian Portuguese. This book addresses reading and its audience from the mid-18th century to the early 20th century and bears witness to the development of cultural history over the last ten years. Focusing on the expansion of printed material culture in Europe after 1760, it follows the intricacies, twists and turns that marked the transition from an activity reserved for a few, to the elites by birth or wealth, to a leisure shared by a much larger number. vast number of readers. In this slow emergence of mass culture, around 1880 in Great Britain and France, a little or much later in neighboring countries, many of the transformations of the world in which we live take place. The educational and industrial revolutions played a role in this change in society, as did the emergence of modern media. The newspaper, the serial novel, the school manual, the dictionary, the knowledge dissemination book, all of this served to make more and more people read, resulting in this mass culture that is so much talked about today. Probably originating in Europe, and not in the United States, before the First World War, more than after the Second, it concerned the mass of readers of serial literature – detective or sentimental – even before the appearance of television or the development of mass-audience cinema.