Book, Introduction to Engineering Based Approach Teaching by Comp 1/21[LS]
Book, Introduction to Engineering Based Approach Teaching by Comp 1/21[LS]
Until the recent past, if we compared the Engineering course to a building, the subject “Introduction to Engineering” would be located in a cubicle in the basement of the building. Its importance for the training of students was valued only when fulfilling the minimum required workload. In many universities, the discipline was figurative and there was little debate about the role and impact of Engineering on society. Exclusive attention to technical topics generated professionals with a profile little focused on socio-environmental concerns, lacking discussions about scarce resources and a sustainable future . However, a significant change occurred with the new National Curricular Guidelines (DCNs) and a focus on socio-emotional skills that revitalized the engineer's vision in society. The concern with sustainability and the debate about reducing the impacts that society places on the planet are add to the ethical issues of the profession. In this new scenario, a more engaged attitude is required, with special attention to interpersonal and organizational aspects. For this learning, the experience of those who have experienced this evolution both in practice and in teaching can be a guide. Result of the synergy and combined experience of renowned professors José Roberto Cardoso and José Aquiles Baesso Grimoni, Introduction to Engineering – An approach based on competency-based teaching provides a realistic and motivating vision of the engineer's real work. There are also video classes and exclusive lesson plans for teachers, accessible through registration, on the LTC Editora website – GEN | National Editorial Group.?