Book, I still drink from other people’s cups: towards a modernist aesthetic[LS]
Book, I still drink from other people’s cups: towards a modernist aesthetic[LS]
Language: Brazilian Portuguese. This collection, organized by Yussef Campos, brings scattered works by Mário de Andrade together for the first time. These are texts originally published in magazines, newspapers, periodicals and books that fall within the context of Modern Art Week and its antecedents. And, as the polymath himself said: “We could well celebrate the 1st Centenary of our literary independence in 2022”. These are mainly debates and reflections by Mário de Andrade on the artistic aesthetic called “modernist”, organized as follows: 1. “Masters of the past”: Glorification; Francisca Júlia; Raimundo Correia; Alberto de Oliveira; Olavo Bilac; Vicente de Carvalho; Prelude, chorale and fugue; 2. “Very interesting preface”; 3. “The slave who is not Isaura”; 4. Texts published in Klaxon magazine.