Book, Fundamentals of Scientific Methodology 9/21[LS]
Book, Fundamentals of Scientific Methodology 9/21[LS]
Aiming to find general principles that govern physical, biological, social, psychological and environmental reality, science searches, classifies and relates facts and phenomena. It is in this way that scientific knowledge stands out and enjoys considerable prestige in our society, and it is above all through the methodology and research techniques used to construct this knowledge that science achieves recognition. This book, now revised and expanded, has achieved, over the years, great acceptance from both researchers and teachers in the area of scientific methodology. The response it receives from the public that uses it has made it a classic, particularly due to the consistency and breadth of the approach, as well as the abundant exemplification of the most varied concepts. It is, therefore, a reliable instrument for the beginner or experienced researcher because, in relation to the first, it uses an easy-to-understand language and, in the second, because it clarifies appropriate procedures for research that aims to achieve a high level and consideration of the scientific community. APPLICATION Textbook for the disciplines Scientific Methodology, Research Methods and Techniques and Scientific Work Methodology in undergraduate courses in the areas of Human and Social Sciences. Text suitable for the most diverse types of research and researchers at different levels, graduates and postgraduates. ?