Book, Freud Art Literature and Artists[LS]
Book, Freud Art Literature and Artists[LS]
Language: Brazilian Portuguese. What does Psychoanalysis have to say about art, literature and artists? Or, on the other hand: to what extent can what we learn from art, literature and artists open paths for us in the psychoanalytic clinic? What similarities can we make between the work of the artist and that of the psychoanalyst? How do they distance themselves? Does art have the power to alleviate psychological suffering? Does the artist have a better disposition to sublimate? The texts gathered in this collection constitute almost all of Freud's forays into these domains and contain the main elements to answer these questions. But what is the status of these incursions? Is it as a layman that the creator of Psychoanalysis investigates the poet's creative processes or does he face the classic problem of the status of “catharsis”? Is it out of pure dilettantism that he approaches a childhood memory of Leonardo da Vinci or one of Goethe? What can we say about the careful reading of the marble, attentive to the almost imperceptible details of Michelangelo's Moses and the paradoxes of sublimation implied in it? For what reasons does Freud turn to Shakespeare when it comes to addressing the metamorphoses of desire and the modifications of the mother's image throughout life, or to Dostoevsky when addressing the mechanisms of attenuation and concealment of the father's death wish? What do the differences between jokes, comics and humor teach us about the Superego? Completing the collection is one of Freud's most beautiful texts, which narrates a walk in the company of the poet Rainer Maria Rilke and Lou Andreas-Salomé and, also, the speech given when he received the Goethe Prize.