Book, Physics (Breithaupt) 4/18[LS]
Book, Physics (Breithaupt) 4/18[LS]
Physics is a work that provides a complete course on the subject for beginners and students in the basic undergraduate cycle. Its coverage covers the main topics in the field, including mechanics, materials, waves and electricity. It is also ideal for students in courses such as Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics and Geology, as well as other Exact Sciences courses. The units in this book are organized according to well-defined Physics content. The first ones present an introduction to each subject. The part about fields and atomic and nuclear physics uses the concepts studied in previous sections. The last 6 units present more advanced topics, offering a more elaborate approach for those who wish to achieve greater proficiency, in accordance with their area of study. Readers can achieve a solid understanding of topics such as electric and magnetic fields, electromagnetism, electronics, atomic physics, nuclear physics, and thermodynamics, and are encouraged to engage with the text through exercises and review questions. Illustrations are widely used to complement theoretical explanations and help with the learning process. Physics also features, as a highlight, FREE access to a set of exclusive video classes, with essential topics on the topic. There are also other supplementary materials, such as practical experiences, case studies and electronic spreadsheets, accessible through registration.