Book, Finance in real life - by André Bona
Book, Finance in real life - by André Bona
Language: Brazilian Portuguese. To make your personal finances evolve, in times of crisis or not, some obstacles need to be overcome, and the first of them is to debunk these three myths:
Taking care of finances takes time.
You can spend your life complaining that taking care of your finances takes too much time or you can dedicate yourself to learning, for a short period, how to manage your financial life, to do this spending less time and with less effort.
Taking care of finances is boring.
What's more annoying? Spend your whole life struggling to pay the bills, taking on debt after debt and paying interest on interest or dedicating your time to creating plans that truly provide you with financial peace of mind?
Taking care of your finances takes away your freedom.
Taking care of your finances, contrary to what people think, will bring you more freedom: of choices, of being who you are, even freedom to consume more and better, and consistently and not just occasionally.
Everyone has dreams. And everyone also has bills to pay. And the account doesn't always close, right? How many times have you had to give up doing something because you didn't have money or because you needed to work overtime at work? What if we told you that learning to take care of your finances can lead you to a fuller and more fulfilled life?
Many people, when they hear the word “finance”, already think that thinking about it is not for them. After all, if you barely have any money left at the end of the month, how can you think about savings or investment? Making money work for you, then, seems like something for rich people. But financial educator André Bona wrote this book to prove that this is a myth. With discipline and some basic understanding of finances, it is possible not only to pay off your debts but also to accumulate them for a peaceful retirement.
Is there a possibility of you becoming a millionaire? It always exists, but the main objective of Finance in real life is to show examples of the daily lives of people who work, go out with friends, pay bills at the end of the month, plan vacations and think about tomorrow.
Whether you are someone who can't sleep because you have accumulated debts that seem to have no solution, or you are someone who has saved every penny you have and is considering investing in buying your own home, this book can help you make the best use of your money. .
Real-life Finance simulations were built with the learning curve in mind and also the growth of your assets. Each chapter presents the possible paths to building a healthy financial life so that you can then build, step by step and consciously, the life you want to have.