Book, Science of Success, A: A Series of Unpublished Articles by Hill[LS]
Book, Science of Success, A: A Series of Unpublished Articles by Hill[LS]
A series of unpublished articles by the man who most influenced leaders and entrepreneurs in the world. "Success is a science – and it can be learned in the same way that you learn physics, mathematics or chemistry. Science is the materialization of facts. Napoleon Hill thoroughly investigated how success materializes and revealed its formula. Here it is: All success is result of a power. All power is the result of an organized effort. All organized effort is the result of a well-defined objective. Every well-defined objective is the result of a dream. In more than forty years as a student, researcher and educational instructor of MasterMind da Napoleon Hill Foundation, I'm always amazed when I find texts from newspapers from Hill's time, like the material that makes up this book. "The Science of Success" contains articles by Hill and also reports about him. Among these, the account of a meeting with the great inventor Thomas Edison, one of the personalities analyzed by Hill in his extensive research to arrive at the formula for success. During the conversation, Edison told Hill: “You know, I had to be successful because I exhausted the things that didn't work.” On that memorable occasion, the inventor showed Hill the files where he stored records of his various failed and aborted inventions, a pile that towered well above their heads. A precursor of the theory of personal development, Hill was an advisor to American presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. "The Science of Success" displays gems from the mine of knowledge of this phenomenal thinker, author of the phrase “There is nothing to fear but fear itself”, which became the motto of the Roosevelt administration." - Jamil Albuquerque, world advisor of the Napoleon Hill Foundation and president of MasterMind