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Book, Argonautics[LS]

Book, Argonautics[LS]


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Here is one of the best-known stories of all time. It describes the dangerous expedition of Jason and his companions, the Argonauts, including Theseus and Heracles, towards Colchis in search of the golden fleece (a mythological ram with a coat of gold). Whether by bringing together these three great Greek superheroes, and Medea, or by containing all the characteristics of the famous Homeric epics, the narrative remains popular, despite all the cultural changes. This is largely due to Apollonius of Rhodes, who in the 3rd century BC, in the Argonauticas, gave the story its written form, the same form that served as the basis for all the adaptations already made in our time in cinema and comics. This bilingual edition of the poem features an exquisite translation and two essays by Fernando Rodrigues Junior contextualizing the work and the author and analyzing the role played in it by heroism, that alloy of courage and persistence without which great adventures would be impossible. FROM THE COVER Cover image: portrait of Apollonius of Rhodes, based on a copy of what would be a bust of the author. TEXTS COLLECTION The Texts collection is dedicated to great texts by great authors, Brazilian and international, in the fields of literature, dramaturgy, criticism and philosophy. Its purpose is to present a panel of the lives and work of these writers and thinkers, their work itself and critical essays that demonstrate its vitality and importance for the Brazilian reader. EXcerpts Listen, sovereign inhabitant of Págasas and the city of Aesão, whose name comes from our progenitor, you who promised me, when I consulted the oracle in Pytho, to signal the fulfillment and limits of the path, as you are responsible for these works. He leads the ship, with his companions safe and sound, to Colchis and back to Hellas. Then, in your honor, we will deposit on your altar splendid sacrifices of as many bulls as we return, and I will also bring innumerable gifts to Pito and Ortígia. Now come, Apolo Flecheiro, and receive the sacrifice we offered you as the first sign of gratitude when we boarded the ship. May I release my bonds, sovereign, according to your plan, with a destiny without regret. And may the wind blow sweetly, with which we will travel peacefully across the sea. [book 1, p. 49, vol. 411-425] But Medea (disputed by both parties) would be entrusted to Leto's daughter, away from the crew, until one of the kings who held the law judged whether it would be necessary for her to return to her father's house or go with the brave men towards Hellas. Then, when the girl reflected in her mind on every detail, sharp pains violently shook her heart. Promptly calling Jason alone, away from his companions, he took him to another place, until they had gone a long way, and in front of him he said words of dismay: “Esonida, what is this plan you have hatched for me? Triumphs have thrown you into complete oblivion and you are not busy with the things you said to me when you needed it? Where have the oaths by Supplicant Zeus gone, where have the sweet promises gone? Because of them, I, in disorder and with shameless desire, abandoned my homeland, the glory of my home and my own parents, everything that was dearest to me, and alone, far away, I am carried away by the sea with the sad halcyons, because of the your tasks, in order to have fulfilled, save for me, the works against the oxen and the Born of the Earth. Finally you acquired the fleece, which is why your navigation was undertaken, thanks to my madness, and I caused a disastrous shame on women. In this way I affirm to follow you through Hellas as your daughter, your wife and your sister. [book 4, p. 283, vol. 345-369] SUMMARY Introductory Note Chronology Plot Structure of the “Argonáuticas” Map ARGONÁUTICAS Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Book 4 CRITICAL ESSAYS Some Considerations About the “Argonáuticas” The Discussion on Heroism in the “Argonáuticas” Bibliography Name Index Acknowledgments

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