Socio-emotional Intelligence - Augusto Cury
Socio-emotional Intelligence - Augusto Cury
Published in more than 70 countries, Augusto Cury has sold, in Brazil alone, more than 30 million copies of his books, being considered the most read Brazilian author today.
Augusto Cury offers readers tools against some of today's worst epidemics: anxiety, loneliness, depression and stress, illnesses that affect more and more young people.
Originally created as a pedagogical method to be applied in the classroom - and which is in fact present in more than a thousand schools across the country -, the Escola da Inteligence program is an innovative tool to help our children and students cope with resilience and creativity the challenges of life.
Based on the principles of socio-emotional intelligence - being the author of one's own story, managing thoughts, managing and protecting emotion, working on the roles of memory and forming brilliant minds - we can improve our skills to become inspiring parents and charming, more capable teachers. to form happy and peaceful individuals.