Ewé: The Portal Key - by Márcio de Jagun
Ewé: The Portal Key - by Márcio de Jagun
"Ewé the key to the portal" presents to the general public for the first time, in an unprecedented approach, the concept of health and illness according to Yoruba philosophy, the ritual of physical and spiritual balance through the plant element. In this book also: The Yoruba tradition and its therapeutic methods through aquatherapy and the application of the active ingredient of vegetables; Osányìn, the Yoruba deity of herbs: its origin, mysteries and possibilities; the main rituals of Candomblé (Sàsányìn) in all its procedures, prayers, songs and methodologies; the Yoruba system of nomenclature and classification of herbs, by genus, active ingredient, habitat, size, element of nature, etc.; more than 500 herbs described for liturgical and therapeutic application, according to the Yoruba tradition. The book, which is a dive into Yoruba culture, enriched by philosophical and theological clarifications and notions about the Yoruba language and its practical application in Candomblé, also has research elements to work on Law 10.639/03 in the classroom.