Animation - by Iara Martins
Animation - by Iara Martins
Learning about emotions in a playful way using the method of Iara Mastine and Cristiane Rayes. Psychologists developed a pocket book, in letter format, launched by Literare Books International, to instruct people of any age to expand self-knowledge and promote encouragement in a light and pleasant way. Experience with psychology highlights the need for a positive outlook to work on self-knowledge, confidence and encouragement. The daily challenges, the rush, the excess of activities and information reveal a society that often does not look at itself, that is, does not pay due attention to its needs and attitudes. As a result of this context, Iara and Cristiane created AnimAção, a compilation of informative cards that use a recreational approach to promote the recognition of their positive characteristics. So that people can bring out the best in themselves, reflecting on their ways of being and acting. The idea is to know how to value, mediate and use each peculiarity wisely. The name given to the cards refers to their content: the analogies of characteristics are made with animals – which is the playful factor of this learning (which allows the use of the tool at all ages). The term “action” refers to the help given: to increase your strengths and virtues you need to act. Just as there is a variety in fauna, there is a diversity in the behavior of each human being. The relationship made between the components of the animal kingdom is very concrete and becomes efficient by highlighting the qualities to create a bond with the reader. The rabbit, dog, hummingbird, hippopotamus and 46 other animals are examples of instincts, habits and ways of behaving that fit many people, and each one with its individuality will promote identification. The drawings are designed in light colors, with sweet lines and, despite the fun content, the material is not just for children: its lessons were designed for a wide audience, of any age. The cards were developed for those who want to improve the best in themselves and learn more about how other people work, how to relate to them and much more.