The girl who was born without color
The girl who was born without color
What color is a girl born to a father as black as the starry sky of a summer night and a mother as white as the full moon? Midria didn't know, which is why she always felt like a colorless girl. Researching her origins, however, she came a long way to finally understand who she is. This work was born from a poem by Midria, a girl who grew up surrounded by books and poetry in the East Zone of São Paulo. Influenced by her teachers and the friends she made at a party in her neighborhood, today Midria studies Social Sciences and is a poet. The book was illustrated by Ana Teixeira, visual artist and also writer. The two met at a performance of Midria, when Ana, enchanted by the poem, invited the poet to transform the text into a children's book. Afterwards, Joe (designer Joelson Bugila) was invited to design the book with them, combining Midria's text with Ana's illustrations. The girl who was born without color was written to record the paths that made the girl understand herself as black and claim the power of your roots, your hair, your people. With this book, Midria hopes that more children who were born like her can feel powerful and belong to the world from a young age.