Book, Attraction and Selection of Talents 1/14[LS]
Book, Attraction and Selection of Talents 1/14[LS]
Care in identifying and hiring talent has never been as valued and desired by organizations as it is today. Thus, the attraction, recruitment and selection processes face the need for renewal and adjustment to the supply and demand of current professionals. Considering this scenario, Talent Attraction and Selection addresses the main questions on the topic in a dynamic, current and objective way. Combining theory with practice in a precise way, the work enriches the MBA ǀ People Management series and shows how the concept of talent has changed over time and how, in the era of popularization of the internet, social networks emerge as an important factor for the selection of professionals. These aspects are indisputable evidence that a new approach to the topic – such as the updated and comprehensive proposal for Talent Attraction and Selection – is necessary for the expansion of studies in People Management.